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Ende Gelände

  • 2022: 15000 NOK 

FuckForForest Activist winner in 2021 "Eirodite" picked this project to donate the collected 15000 NOK to :

We hope that they can use the money to do some good stuff with the money and inspire people !

FuckForForest donated in Total:

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Skärmavbild 2022-01-24 kl. 10.41.40.png
Skärmavbild 2022-01-24 kl. 10.43.41.png

Ende Gelände has been organizing mass civil disobedience actions against coal mines in RhinelandLusatia and Leipzig since 2015 


We are a broad alliance of people from the anti-nuclear and anti-coal movements, the Rhineland and Lausitz climate camps and the Hambacher Forest anti-coal campaign. We are from grassroots climate action groups, large environmental organisations, left political groups and many other campaigns, groups and networks.

We all share the belief that to stop climate change we need to take action ourselves, using civil disobedience as a powerful signal for real action to put our climate before profit.

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