Neotropical Primate Conservation
FuckForForest donated in Total: 80000 Nok
24.11.2013: 80000 NOK For continue doing their great work. Protecting Forests and animals in Peru

Animal trade is a huge industry there for we are very happy to have been able to support this project that work both with forest protection and fighting animal abuse.

Primates Protecting Primates​
Neotropical Primate Conservation (NPC) was founded by Sam and Noga Shanee and Lizzie Cooke in 2007. It began as a non-profit organization and was awarded UK charity status in August 2009 (Registered Charity number 1131122).
NPC was set up in order to promote the conservation of Neotropical forest habitat and all wildlife through various means. These include: land protection; research; improvement of degraded habitat for wildlife; creation of public awareness; and facilitation of the commercialisation of sustainable, ecological products on behalf of local people.
Since 2007 NPC has been using the Critically Endangered yellow tailed woolly monkey (Oreonax flavicauda) as a “flagship species” for conservation in the Tropical Andes Biodiversity Hotspot of North-Eastern Peru. Specifically, we aim to create private and community run reserves which will protect a major part of the natural biological corridors connecting existing protected areas, ensuring long term habitat protection for O. flavicauda and other sympatric species.
Through this work we help local communities strengthen their stewardship of nature as well as their traditional and cultural identification, benefiting both humans and the environment. We are proud to be a small charity able to operate with limited resources but with a lot of commitment to the cause. We run dozens of low cost projects which have already proven successful and we use our experiences to globally promote efficient conservation.
-The NPC team more info on there webpage
The battle against illegal wildlife trafficking has become one of our main activities. Wildlife trafficking is one of the major causes of species loss. Wild animals are routinely hunted for meat, skins, as trophies, or for the pet trade. Throughout South and Central America there are large areas of forest almost empty of wildlife due to overhunting. Large-bodied primates, such as woolly monkeys and spider monkeys, are often the first species to disappear as there large size and conspicuous nature makes them particularly attractive to hunters.
As one of our main priorities, and as part of NPC´s holistic approach to conservation, we target the illegal trade in wildlife. To this end, we work closely with regional and national wildlife authorities, police, public prosecutors and grassroots organizations in Peru. We also commit a lot of time and resources to educating local communities about the pressures faced by wildlife from hunting, the dangers of keeping wild animals as pets, and the illegalities of trafficking wildlife. Above all, our work with communities focuses on the benefits of maintaining healthy forests, which is dependent on the presence of wildlife.
Over the past nine years we have organized and participated in the confiscation, rescue, transport to rescue centres and/or release of more than 3,900 wild animals. Animals arriving at our project after being in the trade suffer from a variety of physical and emotional problems related to the terrible conditions they were subjected to. We provide veterinary and general care to hundreds of animals a year. Some stay with us for a few months until they are strong enough to be transported to a rescue centre. We try to send each individual to the most suitable centre possible to ensure that their future is as promising as can be.
Generally, we believe that animal welfare and conservation need to be treated together and are not mutually exclusive. By working for the rescue and long-term care of trafficked species we aim to minimize the effects of the illegal trade on endangered species, and by conserving forests we hope to provide a safe haven for animals where their capture and related suffering is prevented.
If you are travelling or thinking about it then please read the how to “Get Involved” section of this website which contains information on what you can to help stop wildlife trafficking and the potential impact your actions can have while abroad.
Get more info from there web page: https://neoprimate.org