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Seeds dream

FuckForForest donated in Total: 119000 NOK

  • 04.10.06:  80 000 NOK ca 10080 Euro ca 13600 USD

  • 22.03.07: 39 000 NOK ca 4914 Euro ca 6630 USD the 22.03.07


FuckForForest went to visit this project, to document the project. It is part of our new documentary of FuckForForest 3 first year. Sadly we lost contact to this project when Erica left the project. We hope that they could stay strong against the logging and oil industry.


Amazon forest and Shuar tribe â€‹


The SeedsDream project was initiated in 2005 by indigenous leaders and an ecologist from the US deeply concerned about both the cultural and ecological impacts of deforestation. In the past, small clearings would always grow back. Now trees once common had not been seen in over 20 years, and a generation was growing up without the forest. Without the plants traditionally used for food, medicine and ritual, centuries of cultural heritage was disappearing.


Our goal is to reverse this trend of regional extinctions by creating refuge forests and developing networks of seed exchange among indigenous communities. We are working to unite traditional and scientific perspectives on tropical rainforests and their essential value. Reforestation is bringing excitement and hope, precisely because it connects a deep cultural heritage with tangible environmental action.

This is the second project that found FFF. It was actualy when Erica (one of the founder of this project) made a pray to Jesus that FFF apaired on the internet and she decided to write us.


Thank you letter sent to FuckForForest


I am writing to thank you for your generous and heartfelt donation to the SeedsDream Reforestation project in Ecuador.

This has been an exciting time for our project, and your most recent donation supported the majority of our operating expenses for April - November 2007. During this time we were able to establish permanent protection of three community seed forests which are being planted with species in danger of being lost from the local area due to deforestation and land use changes. Dedicated volunteers from the indigenous communities in which we work planted over 25,000 seeds and constructed nursery beds in 4 communities. In July we began monthly seed exchanges, and in November we purchase an 8 hectare piece of land to serve as a permanent seed exchange center and roadside nursery. We are very excited about what lies ahead!

Our work truly would not be possible without the passion and dedication of yourselves and everyone at Fuck For Forest who have supported us from the beginning of our project. We are deeply grateful for your support and will continue our dedication to create a positive human legacy on this precious planet.


Thank you again,

Erica Van Etten

Project Coordinator SeedsDream Reforestation Project

Alfonso Wajuyata (Spanish)
011-593-97666378 (cell phone in Ecuador)




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