La Manzana Podrida
FuckForForest donated in Total:
2014: 600,000 MXP For buying land for protection and project space. + 50,000 MXP For the paper work for getting the papers legal.
2014 : 70,000 MXP Repairing off houses.
2016: 100,000 MXP Building a community house for workshops and a volunteer house.
2017: 750,000 MXP Buying one more peas of land expanding La Manzana Podrida to double the size. + 50,000 MXP For the paper work for getting the papers legal. + 80,000 MXP car
2017: 6000 NOK Repairing kitschen
20?? Building a bakary for the community runed by locals
2019 Maintaining's cost
2021: Will soon get updated
FuckForForest have now stoped funding this project if you like to know more or donate directly to this project
visit their webpage : www.lamanzanapodrida.com

The Project La Manzana Podrida got started in August 2014 by Tommy Temblor. ​
Located in the state of Oaxaca in Mexico
Bought with help from the association Rancheros UggaBugga founded by Tommy Hol Ellingsen and Leona Johansson in Mexico. More about the work of the association Rancheros UggaBugga in short.
La Manzana Podrida is organized by Tommy Hol Ellingsen
The Rancho La Manzana Podrida is about 150 hectares of mixed forest. It also has 3 small houses on the top of the mountain with a small fruit garden.
“La Manzana Podrida” is a project in change - de-developing depending on the local peoples involvement and the people, ecologists and artists we can connect to the ideas, we will try to plant in this rotting - but fertile soil. The area consists of about 150 (or more) hectares of mixed pine, oak cloud forest and the full area is spitted in two separate projects:
95% is kept strictly as a deep ecology project, as an unspoiled sacred ground - to experience the divinity of nature. It is also containing and protecting unspoiled fresh water sources and virgin soil, because of the difficult terrain, untouched by humans.
5% is an old farm, with apples, avocados, plums, berries, pears, peach and a lot more + an extreme diversity of natural herbal medicine plants and spices. This old farm is rotting into a creative activist center (that also naturally is open for nudists and lovers alike) with focus on the artistic/spiritual expression of nature and the plants. Maybe like a temple/art museum of natural expressions, or a Garden of Eden replica? How will we grow?
Art is “tra” backwards - did you know that? What makes an artwork so valuable? Imagine Mona Lisa! Just some ugly chick, painted on fabric. And the value? Well, a lot more than that 1000 year old oak, that used to be one of the most sacred trees, the tree of life in some cultures’, chopped down to make some nice objects for dying humans that maybe reaches the age of 100. What is the mechanism of value? What created value? And is there something as corrupted values? La Manzana Podrida will be Museum of nature. The museum of natural art where you can see art grow from seeds, develop and die. It will be an integration of nature and the “modern” societies values that is falling and rotting to create new and hopefully better life. What would you do if someone burned and destroyed your most important artwork or destroyed your favorite art museum?
In many groups of organized religion, nature has been destroyed to build dead buildings. Here people search for “God”, bringing dead flowers as a gift to the dead, the saints, spirits or God. There is only ONE nature and we are part of it. So why not visit nature as a temple and pray to the living plants as they are a direct expression from the divine? La Manzana Podrida will be that Temple of Nature. Where you can go and share your thoughts with the living plants. And maybe even plant a seed? This is where we go where we die, back to the earth, back to the plants. And the plants are truly the language of the divine - of God. So we need to go into the Temple, humble, and open our heart, to the language of the
plants. Here you can pray and give your sacrifice to the soil. Plant a seed and see it grow. Give a sacrifice to life and fertilize the ground! And blessed are the people who protect the garden. The gardener is the protector, and nature is Gods true Temple. What would you do if someone would threaten or destroy your Temple or your Church?