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FuckForForest donated in Total:  135000 Nok

  • 06.01.2009: 13000 Euro For buying land

They work with children and we with sex. After we donated money they created Chama a under organization not to have to say that they got the money from FuckForForest.  We are no longer in contact but we are hoping they reforested and teaching children to protect the forest.


Mata Atlantica​


On the world social forum in Brasil 2009 Tommy and Natty met a group of people working with a project called Escola de Mata Altlantica (School of the atlantic Jungle). EMA is an intercultural eco-education pilot project that works through the dialogue between traditional knowledge and techno-scientific values, they said when they first contacted us.


...We have a hard time raising money to keep this project going. The main reason is that we have an understanding that it is not possible for us to accept any sponsoring money comming distruction and pollution proffits. So that leaves us out of the huge budget oil or mining companies, or automobile foundations and agrobussiness enterprises give to projects such as ours. But for us it makes no sense to be related to any of those, it would just give them a better image, while they could keep their dark bussiness...

...Our brain washed society has insisted on hiding whats natural, and this non acceptance of what we simply are is definetly rooted to this nasty behaviour mankind is having towards nature...


Letter to FuckForForest

Hello Leona, Tommy and Natty! ...We are now in the middle of the proccess of purchasing the first piece of land for Mata Atlantica School. We have been able to gather some investment to buy a very special land that is for sale, very near the city of Aldeia Velha, where we develop our projects. Just 2km alway. Though we have not been able to rase sufficient money to buy the whole terrain, we are still buying part of it already.

It would be of extreme importance for us to purchase the whole area, though. Otherwise we will have only one side of the small river that crosses the terrain, and it is very important we plant on both sides of the river. This land is within a huge forestbelt, and the deal that is being offered is very good.

But since we don't have the means to make such a big investment at once, we were actually sad that we could only buy part of it.

Now you've come up with this surprising possibility... .



The whole area we want to buy now is highlighted in white. The blue line crossing in the middle devides the 2 parts. The bottom one is for sale. The small town bellow the terrain is Aldeia Velha. upper north and west on a wider view, there is a dense amazing forest.


After we sent the donation


After this the Escola de Mata Atlantica had a big, internal, moralistic problem. It ended with them creating a project named Chama to relate to FuckForForest. 


First Newsletter - Chama 2010


"From the light that sprouts in the Astral Plane, from the crack of a valley magically enchanted, in the interior of the Rio de Janeiro State, appeared a tribe of rainbow warriors, prophets of the apocalypse, visionaries of a new astrological era that now begins for all Mankind. They are friends from various ethnicities, scattered and meeting each other around the world; descendents from Arabs, Jews, Moors, Patricians, Rom, Indigenous, Orientals...Brazilians of all colors and judgements, living in brotherly communion, congregating towards one goal: to unite forces of peace and agroecological love for The Healing of the Planet!!

It is no easy challenge that they have before them: To harmonize the different peoples, historically distinct, in a collective goal, a humanitarian purpose, which is the defense of mother earth. Nonetheless, the green warriors don't give up their fraternal quests. They search new ways to occupy the land, give themselves to voluntary and devotional work, sing, dance and meditate about the different dimensions and healing energies that can be created. When reunited in their egregore, under the Full Moon, they find Divine Peace. And many are those who have been seeking the CHAMA (meaning "Flame" in Portuguese) and integrating themselves to this natural way of life. All of them making their mental, bodily and spiritual transition, waiting the definitive coming of the Aquarius Era. This is the Centro Holistico da Aldeia da Mata Atlantica (CHAMA). The living light that burns within us.

The Holistic Circle Aldeia da Mata Atlantica - CHAMA - it is proposed to be a nonprofit institution for the promotion of activities that involve the different universes for the care of man and environment in the host. CHAMA is a space of collective self-management and collaborative, applying theoretical and practical concepts in agroecology, permaculture, Medicinal Plants, Collaborative and Participatory Management, Alternative Therapies and traditional healing practices and ancestral.

In its approximate area of 70,000 m2, located in the EPA (Environmental Protection Area) of Bacia de Sao Joao, Aldeia Velha, Silva Jardim, Rio de Janeiro, is composed of areas of APP (permanent protection areas) and not APP. The main purpose of CHAMA is to transform the biological and geographical space of its territory to its terms prior to the current state of preservation and not deforestation.

It has small fragmented areas of Atlantic forest, secondary, which serve as a demonstration of the surrounding biome. Readings were made and analysis of land after its acquisition in July 2009 and was proposed by the group the management of the disposals of pesticides and chemicals used by the previous owner of the area. Products like Round Up and Torben were openly used in some areas Land for maintenance of the pasture and planting. We decided to spontaneous regeneration of these areas, with the aid of various green manure crops. In addition, the Management Plan for APP began with the planting of native seedlings, starting on the river and gradually progressing to other areas. A nursery is already being implemented, for propagation of seedlings and seeds.

A plan of occupation of habitable areas (suitable for construction) is ongoing and will include collective spaces and habitat modules based on techniques of permaculture and ecological construction, reused, recycled, natural, drawing on architectural and aesthetic standards that develop new paradigms in housing issues and their impacts on the biome. The idea of the main stream CHAMA is developing as a space that can accommodate the most diverse staff, technicians, specialists, stakeholders and lovers of nature, and establish a dialogue with sustainable practices, involving the largest possible number of participants in the construction and expansion of a space that can house the men, their cultures and their dreams, including the nature of the principal component, activating this new cycle of transformations through which is passing all of humanity. "

Here, we are all one.


CHAMA is a space of healing through respect.

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