Founders of FuckForForest -
and caretakers of the webpages.
(Edition: 5)

Tommy & Leona
Tommy and Leona first met at the Roskilde festival in Denmark in 2003. After that they have been unseparated for over 15 years - living and working together. After they meet in Denmark they soon moved together in Oslo, Norway, where they two years later started FuckForForest - after many mystical mushroom trips.
They made a performance shortly after starting the webpages that would put the FuckForForest in media focus all around the world. They went on the stage in 2004, on the Quart festival, with "The Cumshots", a famous rock band from Norway. Leona & Tommy had sex on the stage while the band was playing after having a speech about the destruction of the rainforests.
After this - they moved to Berlin where they created a FuckForForest community in the center of the city. Here they lived a decadent life - with a lot of sex and rock' roll.....& ecology.
This great life lasted for around 6 years - before they bumped into a speed bump from the universe and ended up on a mountain top in Mexico. Here they had to start from scratch again.
The story did not end yet for our adventures friends. So - after 5 years of struggles - they are again looking for new adventures with FuckForForest - in the decadent world.
See us soon - somewhere out there!

Tommy Temblor
Social Sex Worker / Comedian / Erotic Performance Art / Activist.
Booking of seminars/workshops please
Running the podcast : Bipolar Circle and the Rebirthday show

Anti social Sex Worker/Cam girl/ Erotic Performance Art / Activist.
Bookings for private erotic cam shows.